Newsletter 013 - June

June 30th 2024

Hi everyone! šŸ‘‹ 

Welcome to the June edition of my newsletter! Sorry itā€™s a bit late again! My half-year-resolution is going to be to start writing this newsletter throughout the month - instead of right at the very end of the month! šŸ˜„

A bit of a slow month from a content-creation point of view this time Iā€™m afraid. I was joined by Steve "ardalis" Smith to record a podcast episode (which will be published very soon); and I also hosted this quarterā€™s .NET Oxford lightning talk event, and did a talk myself. Both are detailed below. But no published podcasts or videos. Iā€™ll try harder in July! šŸ˜Š

I also was honoured to be invited to join the JetBrains Community Contributor program, and as part of it was sent some swag! A massive thank you to Rachel Appel for inviting me to the program šŸ˜Š

Outside of dev stuff - my age got incremented YET AGAIN! šŸ˜²šŸŽ‚ (insert age++ joke here). This also coincided with me having to order a pair of reading glasses! šŸ¤“ Iā€™m definitely getting older! šŸ˜§ On the plus side, I got treated to a birthday weekend away (without kids) by my wife, which included pubs, walks, and paddleboarding. And on another weekend, we got the tent out again, and a group of us had an amazing camping weekendā€¦ Four families (ten kids!); drinks; BBQs; and lots of sun! Both amazing weekends!

I also upgraded my home router setup and joined the shiny world of Ubiquity! Oh my goodness me - itā€™s amazing. Check out the UniFi Cloud Gateway Ultra (needs switch and wifi access point too). The UniFi UI dashboard is amazing.

So all the above explains my slightly less productive month from a content creation point of view!

Table of Contents

The Podcast šŸŽ™

As mentioned above, Iā€™m afraid there were no episodes released in June. However, I did record the next episode, which should be out shortly! I was joined by Steve Smith (also known as Ardalias), to chat about Modular Monoliths in .NET. This should be out in about a week from when this newsletter is published.

I also have another group recording planned, where weā€™ll be talking about Umbraco. But this one definitely gets an award for the hardest recording to schedule where everyone is available! šŸ™ˆ Hopefully weā€™ll get that recorded this coming month too.

To be notified when the episodes drop, click subscribe in your favourite podcast app. The links can be found on the podcast website.

Also, remember that we have a Discord community for the podcast!ā€¦

Podcast Discord community

YouTube Videos

No YouTube videos this month Iā€™m afraid, so Iā€™ll just leave the ones from last month hereā€¦

.NET Oxford

We had our quarterly .NET Oxford user-group lightning-talk event in June - and had a great set of talks! Iā€™m afraid we did make the decision last year to stop recording them, so sadly most arenā€™t available to share here. We decided to stop recording because (a) there was a lot of extra stress and things to bring to record, and (b) we noticed a big difference in attendance when members knew it was being recorded anyway. But one of the speakers decided he wanted to record his himself though - so we do have one talk recording, which can be found here: Nick Darlow - Subtyping Primitives.

If youā€™re near enough to Oxford (UK) to attend, and fancy doing a lightning-talk at our next event in September, then drop me a message, and weā€™ll get that sorted. If youā€™re a new speaker, Iā€™m more than happy to help with it.

My Dometrain Courses

Below are details of my Dometrain courses. Thereā€™s also a bundle that includes both courses that can be found here.

Docker for Developers

This course will teach you everything you need to know about Docker and containers. From what containers and images are; to how to build your own; to security and networking; docker-compose; and much more!

Kubernetes for Developers

Once you understand Docker, containers, images, etc - itā€™s time to move onto the next level and learn a container orchestrator - and Kubernetes has clearly won the battle here! My Kubernetes course is rammed-packed full of demos (pretty much all the way through), which are easy to follow along with downloadable YAML files and scripts. We start with the basics, then later move on to more advanced topics like services meshes and operators.

šŸ“° News items and dev picks

Here are my dev picks this monthā€¦

Dev Comic pick of the month

This one was shared by a colleague on Teams. Does this ring true for any of you? šŸ¤£ I googled the source and found it here.

Please help me share this newsletter šŸ™

If youā€™ve made it this far into the newsletter - Iā€™m hoping that means youā€™ve
both enjoyed it and found it useful. If you can help me out and share with your developer friends at work and on social media, that would be amazing!

Again - feel totally free to reach out to me, and let me know your thoughts on the newsletter. And see you back in your inbox next month for the next edition! šŸ‘‹

My socialsā€¦